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Add filename and path to Designer form footer.


Level 1

I am somewhat of a novice at creating forms in Livecycle designer and need help adding a filename and path to the footer of a form after clicking on the "save as' button.  I have not found any answers anyplace so help would be greatly appreciated ASAP. Thank you!!

4 Replies


Level 8

Create a field on your masterpage. Get rid of the caption, appearance=none and set as Protected. Also set your width to expand to fit. In the layout:ready event of your field, add this JavaScript:


That should do it.



Level 1

Thank you. I would like the path to immediately update when the form is saved under a different name. Is that possible?


Level 8

You can put that same code in the postSave event. Keep in mind, if you want to save the new path in the form, you'd have to do a Save As, to first update that field, then another Save to save the value.



Level 1

Is there a script I can add to the SaveAs button I’ve created that will do all of it automatically? For example, click save as and it will update the filename and path immediately to reflect the new value from the save as.