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Accessibility and Pdf Portfolios


Level 4

Everything we put on the Internet must be ADA compliant. There was some discussion with previous versions of LiveCycle forms inside a PDF portfolio possibly not being compliant because of the navigation issues inside the portfolio itself. Does anyone know if a pdf portfolio is ADA compliant and compatible with JAWS reader? We have several application forms which are over 20 pages long. They have designed the application as one document with several forms that might be needed by our clients.

My thought is that a portfolio would be a more efficient package to put all the ADA forms into so that they client can only fill out those that are needed.

So my question is, is the portfolio itself ADA accessible? Or how can I make it so. Does anyone know?

3 Replies


Level 10

Hi Jeanette,

I think your question would be better answered in one of the Acrobat forums: http://forums.adobe.com/community/acrobat.

Good luck,



Level 4

I have posted this question there before and didn't receive an answer. Since a portfolio is the only way to combine multiple LiveCycle pdfs, my hope was that someone on the LiveCycle forum would know the answer.

Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2012 01:54:35 -0600

From: forums@adobe.com

To: jeanetteeichhorn@hotmail.com

Subject: Accessibility and Pdf Portfolios

Re: Accessibility and Pdf Portfolios

created by Niall O'Donovan in LiveCycle Designer - View the full discussion

Hi Jeanette, I think your question would be better answered in one of the Acrobat forums: http://forums.adobe.com/community/acrobat. Good luck, Niall

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Level 10


a Portfolio isn't the only option.

As XFA forms live in a PDF shell you're also able to add attachments, which also can be other XFA forms.

Also, here's a nice Handout for Accessibility of XFA Forms.



Hope this helps.