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2 "Validate Failed" message for one txt field


Level 2

I have used the patterns function to validate a text field but for some reason when the incorrect formate is entered into the field 2 "Validate Failed" message appear.  This doesn't necessary make the form unusable but is an inconvenience and wastes time.  Can anyone tell me why I'm receiving 2 prompts for the same failed validations of a 1 text field?

As I way typing this I think I might know why I'm receiving two mess for the same text field.  I have a created java script that runs on the exit even for the text field that forces letters to be upper case. Could this be making the validation message appear twice?  If so, anyone have any idea to get around this? 



PS - I have verified that the java script action set to run on the exit is the cause of receiving two validation failure messages.  I commented out the exit even runtime code and only received 1 validation failure message when txt was entered that didn't matches the requirements. I would like to not have to choice between forcing all letters to be upper case and only receiving one validation message.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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