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BAM: Configure metadata DBMS with mySQL?


Former Community Member

I'm wondering if it's possible to configure the BAM metadata DBMS if the DBMS is mySQL? In the section on "Using cqinitmetadata.jar", one of the parameters "dbType" gives the description "dbType: BDMS type, one of oracle, sqlserver, db2". Does that mean mysql is not supported? Or just not mentioned?


4 Replies


Former Community Member
Hi Johnny,

Were you able to configure BAM on MYSQL? If so, please let me know what is the configuration that you used for cqinitmetadata.jar. Can you please share this with me?




Former Community Member
If you are using mySQL - did you do the turnkey install? Everything will get configured for you this way. So, in general I would assume mySQL is supported, since that is what is used for the turnkey installation.



Former Community Member
Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for the response.

Basically, BAM downloads another DB called Derby when it does a turnkey installation. BAM uses both MySQL and Derby for creating the reports.

Also, BAM uses JBoss 3.2.6 which again gets downloaded on turnkey installation.

So in a nutshell with BAM running in your server you have both MySQL and Derby installed as well as both JBoss 3.2.5 (for Adobe Livecycle) & 3.2.6 (for BAM) installed in your server.

Thanks and regards,



Former Community Member
Hello Shivajiv - oh! Sorry about that! I had know idea and was just making an assumption :D

