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About Tracking Link Clicks in AJO Emails


Level 2

Hi Team,


I regularly send emails to a specific audience using AJO, and these emails contain several links. I'm interested in tracking which links recipients are clicking on. Does Adobe store this information in the dataset, and can we create a report in CJA to analyze link clicks?



1 Reply


Level 1

Hey - in case you're not using it already, you should be setting dataLabels on all URLs. You can either hard code this into the HTML, or in the email designer, you can click the links icon on the left hand pane, in which you can set tracking labels for every URL or external link in your email. These data labels right to the OOTB AJO Tracking dataset. You may need to pipe these into your CJA Data Views, but it shouldn't be too tricky. 

Let me know if you need any more help!