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Use SPA editor for Experience fragments for remote SPA(Next js or React) Application


Level 2

Hi, we want to implement header and footer for AEM Headless with remote SPA(Next Js). Will that be possible by using experience fragments? Will I get SPA editor for editing the experience fragments components? Please suggest some pointers? Thanks in Advance.


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2 Replies


Community Advisor


Yes, you can edit XF via SPA editor; you just need to follow the same principles to make any component editable in the SPA editor. Map the component, use a sling model, and register it in the SPA code. Keep in mind that for the header and footer, you should have two components mapped into the SPA: the XF and also the header/footer.

You can check this example of how components are mapped in NextJS:




Hope this helps.

Esteban Bustamante

Is there any reference on how to create experience fragment template that supports remote SPA. Any pointers would be helpful.