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span tag is not getting closed in RTE when added as a plugin


Level 1

Hello Team,

I have added icon plugin in 6.3 RTE which adds the icon in the RTE:

            execute: function (execDef) {

                var data = execDef.value,

                    title = data.icon || '',

                    imgHtml = '<span class="icon ' + title + '"/>';

                execDef.editContext.doc.execCommand('insertHTML', false, imgHtml);


When added, the icon span tag is not getting closed as other span tag in RTE, PFB:

<div class="rte-editor u-coral-padding is-edited webkit chrome" contenteditable="true" style="outline-style: none;">


     <span class="grey">Add icon here</span>



     <span class="icon icon-facebook">





I want to remove ::before and icon span should be:


     <span class="icon icon-facebook"></span>


Please suggest.


6 Replies


Level 10

This is not documented nor a common use case - we are checking internally.


Level 1

Hi Kautuk,

tried with Shared link - http://experience-aem.blogspot.in/2014/02/aem-cq-56-extend-richtext-editor-add-new-plugin- pullquote.html , I am still getting improper close of span tag.

I want to create span tag , add class as its attribute and assign value to it based on user's input .

Following code added in js file:

      var value = execDef.value, selection = execDef.selection;

        var node = CUI.rte.DomProcessor.createNode(execDef.editContext, "span");

         var rteText = selection.startNode.data;

        var start = rteText ? 1 : -1;

            CUI.rte.Common.insertNode(node, selection.startNode, selection.startOffset);

        if(value.icon.length < 0){



            node.innerHTML = "<span class=\"icon " + value.icon + "\"/></span>";


output when inspected:

<span><span class="icon icon-facebook">::before</span></span>

Can you please suggest on this?



Level 10

Is this your output:

output when inspected:

<span><span class="icon icon-facebook">::before</span></span>


Level 1

yes and I want it should be as below:

<span class="icon icon-facebook"></span>

means ::before should be removed and span tag is closed before that.