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Reuse cq/aem tags functionality in disabled/publish mode in aem page for html form dropdown


Adobe Champion

Hi All,

I have a use-case where for a normal page in AEM having a custom look/feel, we have add button.

Once user clicks on add button, Custom HTML form appears in which he can enter few pieces of information like title and select AEM tags.

I want tags to be displayed and functioning in same way like cq tags does in which we can pick multiple also and rendering similar to it, so that I can use that in  custom html form and persist to JCR on ajax post request. Can anyone suggest approach for the same to reuse tags functionality.

The last solution to implement will be to have servlet call to /etc/tags and use jquery multi select plugin to populate in a certain way.  Let me know if this can be avoided and cq/aem tags functionality can be incorporated into my use case.

Any relevant response will be helpful


6 Replies


Level 10

I doubt there is an OOTB way for this. You may need to implement custom functionality for this requirement.


Level 10

WHen you say -- "I have a use-case where for a normal page in AEM having a custom look/feel" why are you using tags to do this. You should be using Styling as described here: Getting Started with AEM Sites - WKND Tutorial


Level 10

By the way - if you are interested in AEM and Tags - i recommend that you sign up for the webinar next week on this subject -- Scott's Digital Community: [Webinar | July ] Ask the AEM Community Experts: Adobe Experience Manager...


Adobe Champion

Hi Scott,

I have a use-case to use aem tags to categorize the data as page will be used by selected users only.


Community Advisor

Hi Deepak3344,

why are you not using existing tag functionality? I meant create and selecting tags OOTB functionality.

If you want same functionality for anonymous users then you can't do that in OOTB way because of restricted permissions to read and create data on Publishers.

you need to create a custom Utility capturing and displaying details using HTML form and sling servlet with subservience session.

Arun Patidar


Adobe Champion

Hi Arun,

I want to use existing tag functionality, issue is to plugin ootb functionality with custom form field tags. I don't want for anonymous user.