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Restricting Image search -imageController.js


Level 4

Hello All,

            In AEM 6.0, to restrict image search(under content finder in edit mode of a page) from default search root, /content/dam to a custom search path(say /content/dam/sales), we have ovelay'ed the

/libs/cq/gui/components/authoring/clientlibs/assetfinder/js/image/imageController.js and its working as expected.

Now we are migrating from AEM 6.0 to AEM 6.3. In AEM 6.3, what is the equivalent file for /libs/cq/gui/components/authoring/clientlibs/assetfinder/js/image/imageController.js ? and how to achieve above requirement?



3 Replies


Level 4

Hello All,

            How to restrict the assets(specifically looking for images) to be shown from a specified path(say /content/dam/sales) instead of default (/content/dam) under Toggle Side Panel --> Assets, while authoring any page in touch UI in  AEM 6.3?

We could able to achieve the above by overlaying /libs/cq/gui/components/authoring/clientlibs/assetfinder/js/image/imageController.js in AEM 6.0.

Could you please let us know how to achieve this in AEM 6.3 ?

Thanks in advance!


Level 10

We passed this question to the Asset team. THis is not standard or documented functionality.


Level 4

Thank you Scott!

Please update this thread if you here from your Asset team.

Thanks in advance.