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PrincipalLucene index


Level 8



 Can anyone share what is the use of  /oak:index/principalLucene index.

Please provide the information if possible share some document.



1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 3

Hi @Vani1012 ,

The /oak:index/principalLucene index is a type of index used in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) for storing and querying user and group information. It is based on the Lucene search engine and is used to improve the performance of queries related to user and group data.

This index stores information about the users and groups in the system, such as their username, email, and other attributes. It allows for efficient filtering and searching of this data, making it easier to manage and work with large numbers of users and groups.

Here is an example of how to define the principalLucene index in AEM:


- jcr:primaryType = "oak:QueryIndexDefinition"
- type (string) = "lucene"
- async (string) = "async"
- reindex (boolean) = true
- compatibleIndexVersion (long) = 2L
- version (long) = 2L
- evaluated (boolean) = true
- similarityClass (string) = "org.apache.lucene.search.similarities.BM25Similarity"
- analyzer (string) = "org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.lucene.analyzer.LuceneAnalyzer"
- includePropertyNames (string) = ["*"]
- analyzerConfig (string) = groovy {
tokenizer = "StandardTokenizer"
filters = ["LowerCaseFilter", "StopFilter", "StandardFilter"]

In this example, the principalLucene index is defined as an asynchronous lucene index, which means that it is updated in the background and does not block other operations. It is also configured to reindex the data when it is first created, and to use the BM25Similarity similarity algorithm for ranking search results.

The analyzer property is used to configure the text analysis process, which includes tokenization, stemming, and stopword removal. The analyzerConfig property is used to define the specific analyzer configuration, in this case using the StandardTokenizer, LowerCaseFilter, StopFilter, and StandardFilter components.

Overall, the /oak:index/principalLucene index is an important tool for managing and querying user and group data in AEM, and can help improve the performance and efficiency of your application.[0



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1 Reply


Correct answer by
Level 3

Hi @Vani1012 ,

The /oak:index/principalLucene index is a type of index used in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) for storing and querying user and group information. It is based on the Lucene search engine and is used to improve the performance of queries related to user and group data.

This index stores information about the users and groups in the system, such as their username, email, and other attributes. It allows for efficient filtering and searching of this data, making it easier to manage and work with large numbers of users and groups.

Here is an example of how to define the principalLucene index in AEM:


- jcr:primaryType = "oak:QueryIndexDefinition"
- type (string) = "lucene"
- async (string) = "async"
- reindex (boolean) = true
- compatibleIndexVersion (long) = 2L
- version (long) = 2L
- evaluated (boolean) = true
- similarityClass (string) = "org.apache.lucene.search.similarities.BM25Similarity"
- analyzer (string) = "org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.lucene.analyzer.LuceneAnalyzer"
- includePropertyNames (string) = ["*"]
- analyzerConfig (string) = groovy {
tokenizer = "StandardTokenizer"
filters = ["LowerCaseFilter", "StopFilter", "StandardFilter"]

In this example, the principalLucene index is defined as an asynchronous lucene index, which means that it is updated in the background and does not block other operations. It is also configured to reindex the data when it is first created, and to use the BM25Similarity similarity algorithm for ranking search results.

The analyzer property is used to configure the text analysis process, which includes tokenization, stemming, and stopword removal. The analyzerConfig property is used to define the specific analyzer configuration, in this case using the StandardTokenizer, LowerCaseFilter, StopFilter, and StandardFilter components.

Overall, the /oak:index/principalLucene index is an important tool for managing and querying user and group data in AEM, and can help improve the performance and efficiency of your application.[0

