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Passing data between forms and workflow steps.


Level 1

I have a requirement where group1 fills the dynamic form field values and triggers a workflow for approval from group 2. Group 2 upon approval thru scribble signature comes back to group1 with all fields filled for print/save. I need to show the values filled by group1 for group2 approval. I don't know how to pass values between forms and let me know the below implementation is correct and address the question associated with it. I greatly appreciate your time and help.

Form1: Created a form component with dynamic fields and associated with start of a workflow. For the sake of simplicity I created a simple text field called person name:

The first step in workflow triggers form2 under group 2.

Form2: I referred the dynamic text value from form 1 by referring the element name as: ./jcr:content/par/text_xx/text (points to person name in form1). But the value of person name is not showing up. Also how can I make this form submit button to complete the workflow step automatically?

Finally I have the last step in workflow as "Participant Step". How can I see all the completed changes (form1 and 2) here?

Thanks again,


3 Replies


Level 10

There is only one way to pass data between AEM Workflow steps. We talk about how to do that in this AEM article


YOu have to pass data between steps within a MAP. 


Level 1

Thanks and I am having difficulty with deploying new service/osgi bundle thru my eclipse and I was trying to use the features out of the box. Is my above approach is right? All I need is a form where all data will be filled by one group and another group simply signs it. Finally all filled details incl. scribble signature is visible. Can this be accomplished with out too much customization. Sorry I am being a newbie and couldn't connect all the pieces together.

Thanks again, - Sudharsan.


Level 10

If you are new to AEM - I recommend that you follow that article to learn how to create custom AEM workflow steps and how to use the API to pass data between steps. 

Also - use Maven to build OSGi bundles - this is also covered in this article.