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JackRabbit Oak Lucene - CopyOnRead


Level 2

    Is there any advantage to using CopyOnRead to create a copy of the Lucene indexes on the file system when using a local TarMK Repository.  For example, I have a single author running on a VM and the repository and the index folder are both stored on the same file system.  I read through the JackRabbit Oak Lucene documentation and it states this about CopyOnRead

Lucene indexes are stored in NodeStore. Oak Lucene provides a custom directory implementation which enables Lucene to load index from NodeStore. This might cause performance degradation if the NodeStore storage is remote. For such case Oak Lucene provide a CopyOnReadDirectory which copies the index content to a local directory and enables Lucene to make use of local directory based indexes while performing queries.



1 Reply


Level 2

I should add we are not using DocumentNodeStore or BlobStore.  Looking at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OAK-1724 it appears this was added for BlobStore and DocumentNodeStore.