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Forbidden error appears for editing attempt on sites.


Level 2


I am trying to edit content of my page in dialog and getting below error on stage environment





2 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @Hanshika_Shukla ,

Can you check whether the user, you are using, is having access to edit content on the page? if not then try to with the user who is having access to modify the content on the page.

If you are using dispatcher URL to author the content, then look into in dispatcher rules because due to some dispatcher rule also we face such an issue so please look into that part as well and to troubleshoot try to access with IP:port/ content.....


Hope this will help.

Umesh Thakur


Community Advisor

Do you see any error in error log? can you provide error log?

Check the Browser console or network tab for the URLs getting blocked/Forbidden.

As mentioned in previous post, check the dispatcher rules for blocked URLs