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Enable Export to Adobe Target


Level 2

Hello, guys, I am having a bit of a doubt.

When I access the Experience Fragments' console and I click on an Experience Fragment, I see this:


That is to say, I see an option, with my admin account (part of the administrator group) to Export to Adobe Target, and then, eventually, to Update or Delete a Fragment from Adobe Target.
This is because we have integrated AEM with Adobe Target.

The issue is that our authors - they tell me - do not see the option to Export to Adobe Target, but they can exclusively Create, Edit, Properties, Copy the fragments.

Being that this is the same instance, I presume this has to do with permissions: my admin account/administrator group has some permissions that our authors' group does not have, which allows me to see - on the same instance, console and fragment - options they do not have.

I have scavenged a bit on the internet and in the /useradmin and /configMgr consoles but... wasn't able to retrace the cause.

What should I do to allow are content authors to publish/export to Adobe Target?
As always, thanks for you help,
Parag Dalal.

1 Reply


Level 2

@parag_dalal you need to have replicate permissions for the experience fragments to get "Export to Adobe Target" options.