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Custom Handling for page name collisions


Level 5

Our news system uses the normal page creation wizard, but removes the "name" field and adds an hidden input containing an numeric ID that is autogenerated--some random ID that is within the next 100 numbers of the last page. The randomness generally prevents collisions, which might occur if 2 users try to create stories at the same time, which would result in a "1" being appended to the end of the node name. But it's not 100% effective, and each time it happens the ID grows b an order of magnitude.

I'd like to implement a custom handling for this, which would just increment by 1 until a free ID is found. OOTB if no ID is entered, it generated one based on the title, which we do not want. I cant find where the collision handling functionality lives, so I'm not sure where to start. Is there some functionality where this already exists?

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