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Clientlib import


Level 4

Hi all,

When trying to import the cq.widgets client library, the imports don't work. In the source for the rendered page we are seeing this:

<script type="text/javascript"> GraniteClientLibraryManager.write([{"p":"/etc/clientlibs/foundation/shared.js","c":[]},{"p":"/libs/cq/ui/rte.js","c":["extjs","ie6"]},{"p":"/libs/cq/ui/widgets.js","c":["extjs","ie6"]},{"p":"/libs/cq/searchpromote/widgets.js","c":["extjs","ie6"]},{"p":"/libs/cq/ui/widgets/themes/default.js","c":["extjs","ie6"]},{"p":"/libs/cq/ui/widgets/themes/default.css","c":["extjs","ie6"]},{"p":"/libs/cq/searchpromote/widgets/themes/default.css","c":[]},{"p":"/etc/clientlibs/foundation/searchpromote/themes/default.css","c":[]},{"p":"/libs/cq/analytics/widgets/themes/default.css","c":["extjs","ie6"]}],false); </script>

We are doing the include with this code:

<cq:includeClientLib categories="cq.widgets"/>

Currently the only workaround we have found is to include references directly to the JavaScript, e.g.

<script src="/libs/cq/ui/widgets.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

We do not want to resolve the problem this way as it would require us to open up an exception to the /libs folder in our HAProxy setup.

Is there a reason why this particular client library won't import correctly and if so how to resolve it?


4 Replies



Also please share with us which AEM version are you on? Also check in error.log for any error.


Kautuk Sahni


Level 4

We're using 6.1 with Service Pack 1 and I can't see anything in the error log that looks related to this issue.

I've attached a screenshot showing what the resolved include looks like in the source code for the rendered page.


Level 2


Just wondering if there is any update with regards to this issue - were you able to check with Support if this is a known issue?




Level 10

Please log a ticket - support needs to investigate this,