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Clientlib CSS & JS exceptions in AEM 6.3 publisher


Level 2

Can anyone help me out to understand and solve the following 2 issues in my publisher instance.

14.05.2020 04:00:28.808 *ERROR* [xx.xx.xx.xx [1589425228795] GET /etc/designs/globalservices/clientlibs.min.js HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingRequestProcessorImpl service: Uncaught Throwable


14.05.2020 12:25:30.574 *ERROR* [xx.xx.xx.xx [1589455530554] GET /etc/designs/globalservices/clientlibs.min.css HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingRequestProcessorImpl service: Uncaught Throwable


1 Reply


Community Advisor

I am not sure about this issue , but I vaguely remember facing some issue similar to this long time back when my JS had issues while minification.


1) Are you seeing this issue in Publish or Author ?

2) Which version of AEM ?

3) Did you check if your CSS and JS are minifiable ?

4) Is your Publish having GCC as Minification engine ? Please refer https://helpx.adobe.com/in/experience-manager/kb/how-to-change-the-minification-engine-for-client-li...


   Please let me know answers to above questions for a better understanding of you issue.


