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Cannot create a page in CQ5.5 in a Windows 8.1 machine.


Level 2

Hi Guys,

I am not able to create a page in CQ in windows 8.1 machine. We have creator froms through which we create pages. But whenever I fill the creator form and click on Ok it displays an error message which says that "A page with the specified page name already exists in your chosen location! Please pick another location or another name."  although such a page does not exist in any of the folders. i am confused as to how to proceed with this. Can anybody provide an insight? Is it a windows 8.1 machine issue??

3 Replies


Former Community Member

Shivvikram Singh wrote...

Hi Guys,

I am not able to create a page in CQ in windows 8.1 machine. We have creator froms through which we create pages. But whenever I fill the creator form and click on Ok it displays an error message which says that "A page with the specified page name already exists in your chosen location! Please pick another location or another name."  although such a page does not exist in any of the folders. i am confused as to how to proceed with this. Can anybody provide an insight? Is it a windows 8.1 machine issue??



Dosen't look like a Windows issue to me. Have to tried creating pages with random names which do not make sense and see if they come up. Also, have you verified the page existence within CRXDE?

Paste some logs from /crx-quickstart/logs/error.log for better insights.


Level 2


Thanks for replying. I have tried creating pages with various names but still the page is not getting created for me. The strange thing is that there are no entries in the error log as well for the same. I have verified the page existence in CRXDE as well. It seemed really strange for me and its is happening only after I changed my laptop to an 8.1.



Level 10

Shivvikram Singh wrote...


Thanks for replying. I have tried creating pages with various names but still the page is not getting created for me. The strange thing is that there are no entries in the error log as well for the same. I have verified the page existence in CRXDE as well. It seemed really strange for me and its is happening only after I changed my laptop to an 8.1.


This give a clue issue at front end. Does it happens on all browser?

Are you hitting cq instance directly OR through webserver like IIS or apache?

Is your instance secured with https?

In the net console what are the request noticied?