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Can a Granite Pathbrowser can have 2 or more RootPaths?


Level 2

I have 2 questions:-

1. Can a path browser have 2 or more Rootpaths?

2. Can we use a Regex Expression to exclude a node in current rootpath

Scenario :-

I want



as to appear in my rootpath navigator

But want to exclude or not show i:- /content/dam/abc/xyz



5 Replies


Level 10

I doubt that can work OOB unless you plan to customize the implementation.


Level 2

Do you know any blog that i can follow to achieve this especially-"But want to exclude or not show i:- /content/dam/abc/xyz"?


Level 10

It's not possible to achieve without customization because "/libs/granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/pathfield" and "/libs/granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/pathbrowser" are granite:FinalArea

The easiest way is to use validations and force the user to select from options that you want and forcefully delete other selected options. The option to be excluded would still appear as a selection item and can't be hidden.

PathField — Granite UI 1.0 documentation


The name of the validator to be applied. E.g. foundation.jcr.name. See validation in Granite UI.


Indicates if the user must only select from the list of given options. If it is not forced, the user can enter arbitrary value.


  1. hierarchyNotFile
  2. folder
  3. hierarchy
  4. hierarchyNotFile
  5. nosystem

For Custom code, refer ---

You'd have to write similar code to exclude specific options at runtime


Level 2

Do you know any blog that i can follow to achieve this especially-"But want to exclude or not show i:- /content/dam/abc/xyz"?