Hello,I have a list of page url-s. For each of them I have to get the page description. Is there any ready API to send the page url from JS in order to get the page description? Or should I create an API? Thanks!
I am trying to terminate the workflow but it keeps loaded as shown in image below for more than 2 hours. I waited long but couldn't find out the solution.
Hello Team, AEM version: 6.5.6In publish instance, all JavaScript code written in slightly html get removed automatically . Anyone having some idea around it.Eg.In one of component sightly html:<script type=...>var a = "1222";</script> PROBLEM: In author instance, we get this variable with wcmmode=d...
Hello everyone, I'm currently running a React SPA sites with AEM 6.5.5 and trying to apply a custom CSS class into one of the Layout Containers in my template. Here are the steps I did:1. Added the custom css class in the Layout Container's PolicyAdding the custom class in Template Policy 2. Subse...
I have aem6.5 and running AEM first time on my machine its not running getting hang at certain point. Tried running it through CMD using java -jar aem6.5-author-p4502.jar -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m getting this error Verbose option not active, closing stdin and redirecting stdout and stder I ch...
Hi community members ,I have been following developer guide for learning purposes and I am on the following task :and I have pasted the code as mentioned in it and my structure in crxde is the following :Here are the code snapshots:According to the guide my desired output should be this -but I am g...
I was trying to implement some datasources in my dialog but when I installed my project the select would be blank, when checking the logs I came across the following error: org.apache.sling.servlets.get.impl.DefaultGetServlet No renderer for extension html, cannot render resource TypeOverwritingReso...