Hi,I am referring to this article http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/current/deploying/resource_mapping.html to configure resource mapping. I am using my publish instance with Geometrixx sites.I created the mapping that prefixes any request to http://myserver:4503/ with /content: This works somewhat co...
A custom parent component 's JSP has include statement like this (parentXXX)<c:if test="${someThing== true}"> <sling:include path="childXXXNode" resourceType="apps/xxx/components/childXXX" /> </c:if>Two scenario.1. if i drag and drop childXXX on the CQ page parsy...
Hello , How to pass javax.jcr.NodeIterator iter =toNode.getNodes(); long count =iter.getSize();count value from servlet to javascript.,that would be great for your reply. Thanks.
Hi, I am trying to connect to the mysql database from my cq5.6.1.I have done all configurations in the system/console/config related to the jdbcconnectionpool config..And my dsn name is "sqdb". Here i am not able to get the datasource sqdb into my servlet using ,dataSource = (DataSource) dataSourceS...
Hi All,Our client wants to create events which repeats over multiple days but with different timings. So suppose if a concert is happening today at 7pm then it should have the flexibility to repeat it tomorrow again but at 9pm.In our current implementation, we have created events using event form t...
hi,I have followed the following link http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/current/developing/customize_siteadmin.html to create a new column inside siteadmin. I find that I cannot press on the heading and sort the column a-z or z-a.Is there a reason why> Chris
Hi,I have a custom Combo Box which displays list of values from an api based on values entered in another select widget.I have an event queryFilter on firing which i want the values in CQ.Ext.data.Store to be used.Even though i pass the new values in filter the store values defined in constructor ge...
Hello, hope someone can help me on this.First I created a multifield node with hideLabel=true because I do not need the label and its indented space for multifield itself. Also, added fieldConfig with xtype=myxtype, the custom widget. Here is the code:{ "xtype":"multifield", "name":"./multitext", "h...
Hello, I've been working for the last months in a project based on CQ5, now I'm facing the deployment to a production environment.We are working with a project based on CQBluePrints archetype and an integration server managed by Jenkins. We have jobs in Jenkins to manually run deploys against our QA...
Hi All, I have a parent component at /apps/project/component/content/parentComponent . with the help of this component . I am selecting one or more of 3 different components(we can call them children components). Generally what happens is that when i open and configure the dialog of this parentCompo...