It looks like after I promoted the launch of a 2nd version of a homepage. I wasn't able to switch back and forth between what I launched and the production version.I couldn't find any documentation to support this. Thanks for anyone's help in advance,
I get the following screenshot, I have re run the install a few times, even had a colleague shadow me to make sure I am not missing some key step, and yet still the content is not available. [img]page-not-found.PNG[/img]
Hi, I am not able to word and power point documents publish to scene7. Is these two documents are supported by Scene7 Publishing ? If it support what is the mime type it should be. I am trying it on AEM 6 with SP2. When upload word document it is having asset type as application/vnd.openxmlformats-...
I've tried generating a project from an archetype this morning, and I'm getting the following results. I've also seen other errors trying to build an existing project, but I'll start here as this is probably the easiest entry point. I've tried a few things, from using (as spe...
Hi All We are trying to execute handlebar templates via a Script Engine Inside AEM. This Handlebar Execution needs to done using the Rhino Script Engine as we don't want to go to with Java based execution in order to be flexible in future to replace handlebars with any other client side templating l...
Hi,I am not able to find enough documentation on Personalization with experience, newsletter and promotion, can you please help me with one ?or any reference can be a great help Thanks,
I am deploying a Sling Servlet to AEM and would like to use resourceTypes, selectors, and extensions, but they're not working. Paths on the other hand, do work. Any idea what the issue is?This works:@SlingServlet(paths = {"/services/powerproxy/groups"}) public class GroupServlet extends SlingAllMeth...
I am having a debate with the placement of homepage nodes and would like some insight.Typical AEM convention is to use the parent node as a homepage. Example:/content/mySite/enYou would simply run en through an HTML rendered and pull up en.html.We have been talking about placing a node within their ...