Hi All, I want to extend out of the box teaser component and add second image to it. I want to make sure the second image also uses delegation pattern and all the features like Lazy loading, dynamic media etc. When I look at OOTB teaser component core java code it is implementing lot of things and i...
Example:The current level starts from /content which is 0. If I have given the current value 2, /content/abc/us/xyz/demo.html It should print the us/xyz/demo for me it is showing demo Any Suggestions ThanksJhansi CH.
Hi Team,We have 4 publisher instances and some times we observed content in all publishers are not in sync, is there any way to route requests to a specific publisher instance in AEM for testing purpose from live site.For an example :-When i load a page in live url (www.example.com/home.html) the re...
Hello , I am using AEM 6.5 on fortify scan found the below. Any inputs on how to resolve this will be helpfull. 1> Error loggingIt shows Sink:org.slf4j.Logger.error() I am doing try{...}catch(cryptoexception e){log.error("there was an error {}",e.getMessage());} It is throwing the sink error. 2>I ha...
Hi All, Kindly help me to create CSR for subdomains. I already followed this link(https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-cloud-questions/how-to-generate-a-certificate-signing-request-csr-in-adobe/m-p/589151#M2669) and they are suggesting to use openssl which i am not sure ...
We have asset-details page where we show asset details(metadata). we pass the dam asset path in the details page suffix.The asset details are shown in the asset-details component in asset-details page. we maintain the asset access level in asset metadata property itself likeuser-access=public,privat...
I am currently trying to get the my GraphQL endpoint set up for my Preview service. I have gone to Deployment -> Distribution -> preview -> Distribute and added my endpoint and models with successful responses from the logs. I have also publish out the content to the Preview service and the GraphQL ...
Hi, we are trying to migrate from 6.5 to AEMaaCS, we have few images left over in /etc/designs so we are trying to leave them as is, but the nodes under /etc/designs are not getting installed in publisher with the pipeline even though the filters are in place(they are installing in author instance b...
Checkboxes in the dialog are getting selected/unselected while we click beside the boxes in the dialog rather than just getting selected within the checkboxes. Is this the usual behavior, I tried this in a few dialogs and replicated the same behavior
Hi Team I need some help on setting restrictions on folder Consider I have folder project1 under path /content/dam/organization and I want only group1 and group2 to access this folder others should not be able to view project1 folder. I have tried setting permissions by going to /security/permission...