Hi I want to read all the files present in a folder in crx/de. So for example I have one folder in crx/de(AEM 6.5) by name DataJson which contains json files.For example file names are one.json, two.json, three,json.Now I want to access the name of all the files which is present in DataJson folder ...
org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.search.spi.query.FulltextIndex$FulltextPathCursor Index-Traversed 20000 nodes with filter Filter(query=select [jcr:path], [jcr:score], * from [cq:Page] as a /* xpath: //element(*, cq:Page) */, path=*)How to avoid this error.What is wrong happing here while exe...
Hi All I am currently working on implementing a workflow process in edge delivery services for our project. I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide any guidance . Thanks
Hi AllWe are using ACS commons redirect manager to manage redirectsWe have a need to remove many redirects from the rediret manager.is there a way to remove them via excel sheet.acs commons document says it only appends the current redirects with the one from the file uploaded(The redirect map file ...
Hi All, I want to extend out of the box teaser component and add second image to it. I want to make sure the second image also uses delegation pattern and all the features like Lazy loading, dynamic media etc. When I look at OOTB teaser component core java code it is implementing lot of things and i...
Example:The current level starts from /content which is 0. If I have given the current value 2, /content/abc/us/xyz/demo.html It should print the us/xyz/demo for me it is showing demo Any Suggestions ThanksJhansi CH.
Hi Team,We have 4 publisher instances and some times we observed content in all publishers are not in sync, is there any way to route requests to a specific publisher instance in AEM for testing purpose from live site.For an example :-When i load a page in live url (www.example.com/home.html) the re...
Hello , I am using AEM 6.5 on fortify scan found the below. Any inputs on how to resolve this will be helpfull. 1> Error loggingIt shows Sink:org.slf4j.Logger.error() I am doing try{...}catch(cryptoexception e){log.error("there was an error {}",e.getMessage());} It is throwing the sink error. 2>I ha...
Hi All, Kindly help me to create CSR for subdomains. I already followed this link(https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-cloud-questions/how-to-generate-a-certificate-signing-request-csr-in-adobe/m-p/589151#M2669) and they are suggesting to use openssl which i am not sure ...
We have asset-details page where we show asset details(metadata). we pass the dam asset path in the details page suffix.The asset details are shown in the asset-details component in asset-details page. we maintain the asset access level in asset metadata property itself likeuser-access=public,privat...