Hello everyone , I am using aemaacs local sdk. I tried to use coral icon "lightbulb" icon as rte plugin icon using tbGenerator.registerIcon(pluginname , "lightbulb"). 1.why I am able to use other icons but not able to use some icons like lightbulb , fileIdea.?2. how to use custom icon in aem rte pl...
Hi All,We are in the process of migrating from on Prem AEM 6.5 to AEMaaCS. We use AEM core component forms (we did customize them for our needs) and the form submission data is stored under /usergenerated. We would like to move usergenerated content from Publish to Author, does "Apache Sling Reverse...
Hi everyone!I'm trying to get the client request headers logged in AEM CS dispatcher on a development environment for debugging purposes. For this, I've gone through the documentation form Adobe which states that the variable: DISP_LOG_LEVEL needs to be adjusted to "Debug" (it can also be changed to...
Hi Team I have a requirement where I would like to download the data into excel sheet. First I will get the data from API and this data I will filter based on parameters/filters. I want to have an option to download the data on click of download excel button. Kindly advise on this. Thanks in advance...
I'm working on an AEM 6.5 server that was migrated from an earlier version. Some of the steps were not strictly followed, however - I don't know the full story but I'm guessing there were actual regression problems or just no practical way to test. One example of this is when I go to Tools > General...
Hi, I have some yaml files loaded as dam assets and some of yaml files are directly uploaded under the /content/project/page/jcr:content/root/myComponent/file with the help of cq/gui/components/authoring/dialog/fileupload. When I try to get the content of the files(for example /content/dam/projec...
If an image contains a clipping path, will the details of the clipping path always be embedded in the metadata of the binary (original rendition) itself? This query pertains specifically to the metadata within the image file, not the metadata managed or extracted by AEM.
Hello, We have encountered a few images where agencies have added metadata like clipping paths, and the name of the clipping path is visible in the metadata when accessed using ExifTool. However, this information is not being extracted by the DAM Update Asset workflow and added to the metadata nod...