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AEM Screens Player (Windows) - Wrong URL being used


Level 1

Hi all,

I am using a custom made Single Page App component inside AEM Screens Editor. Everything seems to work fine when previewing on a Chrome browser. However, when I go to test it out on Screens Player for Windows, all of my media assets do not load. So, I did some digging around some log files found under \AppData\Roaming\com.adobe.aem.screens.player\File System\000\p\00.


--- END OF LOG FILE ----

But, I want to refer specifically to line 29 of the file attached.

I am fairly confident that it should be loading the content from localhost:4502, but not sure how I can fix this. Do you have any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated and thank you for your time!

5 Replies


Level 4

Can you try updating the content offline from the channel? Whats your player version?


Level 4

Also port 24502 is the player content port. which is an implicit port


Level 1

Hi Bharath,

Thanks for your response! So I've tried updating the content offline and it does not work still. As for player version, it is 2.3.2.

What is strange actually is that one of the Channels is working.

I have 3 channels - each using the same footer and background image asset. However, it seems only Exhibit 1 is loading the background and footer image correctly while the rest does not even load the CSS or image assets.


Level 1

A little update on things: I was able to test on a Mac and everything seems to be working fine with that version of the Screens Player. So, that narrows the issue to the Windows Screen Player itself. I'd appreciate any insight and thanks for your time!


Level 4

Can you try downloading the latest windows player from [0] for AEM 6.3 and [1] for AEM 6.4, make sure its the right AEM version including SPs

[0] AEM Screens Player - Previous Versions

[1] AEM Screens Player - Downloads