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AEM Communities Queries


Level 10


I am new to AEM Communities and have been trying to learn this topic.

Kindly address my following queries.

1. Is it necessary to use handlebars for AEM Communities implementation? If so, what extra features does it bring? Pl throw more might on this topic.

2. Why should we use Social Component Framework for AEM Communities implementation? What extra features does it bring?

3. How does AEM Communities implementation compare with that of AEM?

Ex: handlebars and SCF are the extra topics developers should be familiar with.

4. Are there  tutorials of AEM Communities implementations/customizations?

5. Is Gamification the same as Scoring?

I highly appreciate all your replies.



3 Replies



Hi Rama


1.       Yes it is highly recommended to use Handlebars. since all Communities components are using this templating mechanism - it allows for isomorphic rendering (client side or server side) which is important for applications with read/write interactions  ( https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-2/develop/communities/scf.html )

2.       Yes it is highly recommended to use SCF (Handlebars being it's presentation layer) since it allows for creating components with a meaningful .json HTTP API for Community content

3.       There's some commonality but these new frameworks need to be understood before starting a Communities project. We're not talking about WCM anymore !

4.       There are tutorials and cookbooks on github.com, e.g. t of the box https://github.com/Adobe-Marketing-Cloud/aem-scf-sample-components-extension 

5.       Gamification = scoring + badging







Level 2

Does Hbs has the same level of security with HTL template? thanks!