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3 different forms in one form with hide/unhide funktion depending the choice the user select.


Level 3

Have 3 different forms, the first form has seven (7) pages, the second form has five (5) pages and the third form has three (3) pages.


How can I connect these forms together into one (1) common form, and depending on the button pressed or dropdown selection,

switch from form to form and automatically unhide the others?.


Thx in Advance 


3 Replies


Community Advisor

Are you using aem forms or normal HTML5 forms. You can achieve that functionality by creating the forms in accordion and doing the front end validation on the click of each accordion to check if form in existing accordion is filled or not. 


Level 3

thx for your quick replay 


I'm using aem forms.


Your Answer: "You can achieve that functionality by creating the forms in accordion and doing the front end validation on the click of each accordion to check if form in existing accordion is filled or not."


Its is posible to have step by step instruction or a exampe file?

I'm a total novice when it comes to scripting.

Any suggestion for a beginner?





Community Advisor

@NikoGR- There are different ways you can navigate from one form page to another which page being a form within itself.

  • Tabs Navigation
  • Accordion Navigation
  • Wizard Navigation

Please refer to the following blog -



Also, please find the below links for AEM Forms





Rohan Garg