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Smartphone Layout on Android Tablets


Level 2

Hi there

We have an app available for smartphone and tablets with two different top-level collections and two different layouts for smartphone and tablet. That works fine for iOs and it also used to work for Android for the most part until recently.

I have a Samsung Tab A (resolution 1200x1920). When I published the first version of our Android app (May 2016), the app was displayed in the Tablet Layout, which I would expect. After that I had to make an app update (August 2016). And now the new app is displayed in smartphone layout - on the same device.

How is that possible and how to fix it?!

The biggest problem is the metadata-text on the cards. Our smartphone layout should display metadata more or less correctly from the resolution of a iPhone 5 to a resolution of a big iPhone 6, which is already quite a challenge. But how should i cover a range until a resolution of 1200x1920? The metadata-text is tiny on that screensize and the text within the article is huge, because it's designed for smartphone. I would expect it to switch to tablet version with this resolution, but it just doesnt - or at least not anymore.

Thanks for your help


Bildschirmfoto 2016-08-23 um 15.11.27.png

3 Replies



Hi Ninetta, thanks for posting. There's another post tracking similar behavior. I have shared your post with the Android dev team to see what might be occurring, they were also aware of the other post.


Level 2

Hi Nathan

Thank you very much, can you give me the link to the other thread so that I see if there are any new answers to the subject?

All the best
