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Explicit download disappear and download failure. Whats happening?


Level 3


For a month, I´m having problems with my applications.

The support team are unable to help me. Nobody knows whats happening, and I´m loosing customers everyday because my ADOBE application don't work.

All my collections have the EXPLICIT DOWNLOAD available.

But the DOWNLOAD BUTTON just disappear from my Android applications without any reason,

I have to reinstall the application to see the EXPLICIT DOWNLOAD button again. And works just for some hours, when the button disappears again. And again. And again.

And the "DOWNLOAD FAILURE" message appears almost everyday too. When a collection is tapped, the application shows the loading animation for an instant, and returns a message "download failure". My customers have to log-off and log-on again, so they could open the collection screen.

I have open a ticket with Adobe support team, but they don't see the problem. And they have no answer. And meanwhile, I´m loosing customers.

I appreciate any ideas.


12 Replies



Leo, I've asked the engineering team if they have seen anything like this and have fixed any bugs in this area. I will say that this is probably a very tricky issue to isolate, as you say it takes hours for it to disappear. The same applies for the download failures – does that also take hours to finally trigger?

It's possible that your entitlement service is somehow part of the problem. The button will appear if the collection is free or the user is entitled to the collection. Since you also mention that there are download failures that get resolved after signing out then signing in again the issues could be related.

Are you seeing any similar behavior on iOS?


Level 3

Hello Nathan

Thanks for your reply. No, there is no problem with my Apple application.

But my Apple application was generated in february/16. (I'm not confortable to update the Apple version because the Apple aprooving process.)

The Android version was updated with the DPS release lauched in April/16.

Trying to solve the problem, I have generated a new version yesterday. But I have no success and the problem still happens.

I believe that my entitlement service it's working fine since my DPS 2014 applications was released almost 2 years ago.... I have no reason to think something different....

I'm testing right now... The entitlement is returning the entitled products correctly. My customers can see the card of the entitled collections... but when tapped, the screen that load the collection structure returns the "download failure" message.

There is a relantionship between the explicit download icon and the internet connection, right?

How can I to discover if my customers are having connection problems? Well, when asked about, my customers are using internet to navigate in websites normally. But there is a internet address (IP:PORT) that are used in the download process? Some address that can be blocked by a proxy server, for example?

Thanks for any help



Level 3

Hello. New information.

Today I receive a Apple customer.

The collection lost the explicit download icon.

And some collections do not open. But, the client don't receive the download failure message... The collections opens without background... some cards in blank....




Level 3

More information...

With some devices, I have visited 3 different places, with different internet connections and I see the problem.

The aplication don't recognize the device wi-fi connection, and returns the error messages. Just the DPS application. The device work's fine with other applications (facebook, internet navigation, etc...).

OK.... In the new release, in the application setup screen, when generating a new aplication or a new version for Android or iOS, I have a lot of options in the new "Plugins" area.

The default DPS application already have to access the device storage, and have to access the file transfer resource, and obviously have to verify the internet/wi-fi condition.

This options are optional in the plugins area.

I have to select this options in the new Plugins area? Something that is obviously default for a DPS application?

I already tried, with no success.

The problem is: my application don't recognize the device's wi-fi connection and remove the explicit download icon, and returns a lot of "download failure" messages. Not all the times.... Some times the collection is loaded in parts... some cards appears in blank...

Thanks for any help.


Level 3

New Information:

Our team was trying to debug an Android device. Our intent was to find some kind of text log about the DPS application error.

Anyway, with an Android Developer tool, we have success.

When the error occours in the DPS application, the Android log register:

06-30 10:47:30.374 9397-10342/? E/OPERATIONS: java.lang.Exception: Check content visibility failed

                                                  at dps2.editorapositivo.colecaoemdigital.operation.helpers.CollectionDependencyHelper$3.run(CollectionDependencyHelper.java:241)

                                                  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112)

                                                  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587)

                                                  at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841)

                                               Caused by: java.io.IOException: {"httpStatus":502,"errorCode":"INTEGRATOR_PROTOCOL_ERROR","errorMessage":"Error parsing integrator server response."}

                                                  at dps2.editorapositivo.colecaoemdigital.entitlement.EntitlementService.getContentVisibility(EntitlementService.java:1563)

                                                  at dps2.editorapositivo.colecaoemdigital.operation.helpers.CollectionDependencyHelper.checkRestrictedContentVisibility(CollectionDependencyHelper.java:280)

                                                  at dps2.editorapositivo.colecaoemdigital.operation.helpers.CollectionDependencyHelper$3.run(CollectionDependencyHelper.java:239)

                                                  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112)

                                                  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587)

                                                  at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841)

We don't work with Java programming, but we think that this information could be helpful.

We have a ticket opened with support team.We are waiting some help from them.




Level 3

Hello people

Just to keep you informed, the Adobe Support team has confirmed that this is a BUG.

We are waiting for a solution.





Leo, thanks for the details and for following up with support. I also forwarded your last post to some engineering colleagues.

One thing they mentioned is that the 502 error is returned when your integrator sends a bad response to our entitlement service, which leads to this occurring. I think there is an Android issue here; however, if the response itself can be resolved as well it would help.

If you can private message me your integrator ID that could help in figuring out what is going on.

I would also request that you send support this information as well.


Level 3


Some news.

The Adobe supprt team jsut said that this could be a problem with our INTEGRATOR ID.

They ask me for our SERVER LOGS.

Actually, I don't understand how this logs can be helpful. The INTEGRATOR ID is controlled by Adobe servers, right?

Well, after this ADOBE Support team contact, the problem don't happen anymore. The download failure message don't appears anymore in our test labs.

We will send the SERVER LOGS for Adobe Team ina few hours.

I´ll keep the community informed.




Level 3

Just for information, the explicit download is still disappering from my customers device. And we are able to see it in our test lab.

A quick review of what's happening:

a. we have logged in our application;

b. we explicit download 8 collections - we confirme that the application are using almost 4Gb in device storage;

c. in the day after:

- when offline, we confirm that the application are using 4gb in the device storage (Android configurations);

- we try to access this collections, and the application couldn't find the collection content;

- we return to Android configuration, and we can see the application changing the used storage from 4gb to 2Gb;

- we try to open another collection, and the application don't find the content either;

- we returns to Android configuration, and the application are now using 0.89Gb of storage;

This begins in DPS2015 jan/2016 release. We update our application and the problem was detected a few weeks after that.

Now, we have our application updated, and the problem is not solved.

We have opened a new case with Adobe Support team about this.

Thanks for any help.



Level 3

Hello people.

Just for update...  We have no answer from ADOBE until now.

The support team keeps in silence. We have a opened ticket waiting for a solution.

Our customers still have the problem. And we can do nothing to help them.

This problem it's happening since MAY. It's going to 4 MONTHS.

It's really disappointing,



Level 1

Hi Adobe Staff,

We have the same problem here and we are receiving a lot of bad feedbacks about this topic from our customers.

This problem appeared when we update our apps to AEMMobile.

Can you help us?


Level 3

We need some information about this.