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Pre-populating Forms With the the connected user


Level 1

Hello Guys, 

i'm facing some trubules regarding the pre populating of my forms, i'm trying to write a jsp files wich i included in the head.js of my forms. 

i tried to replecate the code in the solution ( http://help-forums.adobe.com/content/adobeforums/en/experience-manager-forum/aem-forms.topic.html/fo... ) but i have always an jsp ERROR regarding UserPrpertiesUtils and also UserProperties  (UserProperties cannot be resolved to a type ) 

Also i tried with my own code using 

    UserManager userManager = resourceResolver.adaptTo(UserManager.class);
but unfortunately i faced the same error 

the only think that is working for me is the : 

           Session session = resourceResolver.adaptTo(Session.class);

        String dataXML="<data>" +

                                "</data>" ;
        slingRequest.setAttribute("data", dataXML);

can anyone give me a lead or some examples to use those API's 

thx Guys 

1 Reply


Level 2


That is because JSP compiler is not able to find types (UserProperties and UserPropertiesUtils).

To resolve this you need to either import these classes as

<%@page import="com.day.cq.personalization.UserPropertiesUtil, com.adobe.granite.security.user.UserProperties" %>

--- or ---

use fully qualified names as "com.day.cq.personalization.UserPropertiesUtil"




