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Performing CRUD Operations on Repeatable Sections


Level 7

Hello Folks,

This query is somewhat related to my earlier query. Just that I am still not clear on how this can be achieved. 

We have a Form using FDM as Data Model and has Repeatable Section. Each form field in this section is binded to respective datasource field and I assume this is what Bounded Data mean?

Firstly we were able to perform Insert (invoking insert service on click of save button for each section), Retrieve (returning the get service response as an Array) and Delete (written custom REST service and invoking from Rule Editor) on the Data in multiple sections.

The real challenge comes up with the Update, I am doing update within Save button of each section i.e., we written a logic (leveraging a hidden field with prefilled data) which understands when to perform Insert / Update based on data availability. But this doesn't seem to be going well with Repeatable Sections, whereas normal sections are working as expected.

So I am really confused on how can we do this. Got some suggestions on using XSD or JSON schema, but in our case we are using FDM so somehow I am trying to achieve with this. Please help with inputs on how best it can be done.


Sri Bhargav


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