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None of the asset extension finder works in AEM 6.5


Level 2

I am trying following extension



I don't see the dropdown in the asset filter

I even tried the following https://github.com/moonraft-innovation-labs/aem-unsplash-integration

I have tried on sp11 and sp12, not sure anything changed since extensions were buitd

I have tested these extensions upto sp8, they seem to work fine.

Not sure if there is a bug which is preventing them from popping in latest service packs

all these extensions are based on

As per the documentation from adobe https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-64/developing/extending-aem/customizing-p...

Clientlibs allow you to extend the default implementation to realize new functionality, while reusing the standard functions, objects, and methods. When customizing, you can create your own clientlib under /apps. The new clientlib must:

  • depend on the authoring clientlib cq.authoring.editor.sites.page
  • be part of the appropriate cq.authoring.editor.sites.page.hook category


I have tried above as well, but don't see the dropdown for custom extension.

Even ACS commons has an extension audio asset finder. When I install the package, I don't see it in Asset finder drop down




Any one experienced this issue?




2 Replies



@Hemant_arora @RobertHarperFS @JoseManuel121 @Lokesh_Vajrala @ksh_ingole7 @Kiran_Vedantam @aanchal-sikka Can you please review this unanswered question? Appreciate your thoughts on this.

Kautuk Sahni


Community Advisor

Looks like this is a very old query. @shaji-am can you please confirm if this is still valid?