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How to Remove/Delete Group


Level 7

We have a use-case where we need to create a dynamic group and add users dynamically into the group for a user assignment task.  The users are variable and determined during runtime.  We are using the following APIs to create the group and assign users.






After workflow completes, I would like to "clean up" the dynamic group.  Removing the users seems straightforward but, how do I delete the group?


Thanks in advance.

3 Replies


Employee Advisor


Deleting groups[0] is possible with AEM Forms JEE set-ups but doesn't seem to be the case with OSGi/jackrabbit as there is no such method for the Group interface[1] while there is one for deleting the members.

You can check further over the AEM sites community for expert advice - https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/ct-p/adobe-experience-mana...



[0] - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/forms/developer-reference/programming-... 


[1] - https://developer.adobe.com/experience-manager/reference-materials/6-5/javadoc/org/apache/jackrabbit... 


Level 7

That is what I'm finding, too.


I think can I remove a Node in JCR directly but, I'm worried about any unknown side effects.  Any advice would be appreciated.  


Employee Advisor


Removing the node in JCR specific to the group is possible but not an ideal path forward but you can directly delete a group from usermanager although I am not sure if you'll find the dynamic group under useradmin created.