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How to do data binding for one-to-many in Adaptive Forms


Level 2

I am using REST based FDM with one to many association. In FDM, swagger was able to set up one to many association. However, I am not sure how to do data binding in the Adaptive Forms.


Let says I have Entity called Person which has one-to-many association with another entity called Address. Lets assume that there 3 addresses (Permanent, Current and Office) per person.

I thought I can have 3 panels for each of the addresses. However, I am not able to set up the data binding.

Any suggestion how to set up data binding for one-to-many association in Adaptive Forms?


Thanks in advance.

[Reposting my question in the AEM Forms forum]


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4 Replies


Employee Advisor

@naan_raja If you have created an association then in the test fdm you should be seeing a person with objects of addresses, Let's first check if you have the data, and fetch correctly setup.


Send the screenshot of the FDM test UI and a copy of the response obj here


Level 2

Hi @Mayank_Gandhi 


Please see below FDM. There is no prefill so only Write Service is enabled. Request and Response looks identical as the underlying service, persists and return same entity.




POST /employee



    "Employee": {
        "name": "easit",
        "empId": 32,
        "addresses": [
                "doorNo": "voluptate culpa sed no",
                "streetName": "tempor sed fugiat",
                "city": "molli",
                "state": "amet exercitatio"
                "doorNo": "consequ",
                "streetName": "culpa ex",
                "city": "pariatur",
                "state": "nisi cillum"
                "doorNo": "fugiat",
                "streetName": "offici",
                "city": "irure aliqu",
                "state": "ut amet aliqua"

                "doorNo": "conse",
                "streetName": "eiusmod commodo dolor",
                "city": "nulla",
                "state": "sint ex Ut"
                "doorNo": "tempor",
                "streetName": "incididunt fugi",
                "city": "venia",
                "state": "aute irure dolor"



    "empId": 32,
    "addresses": [
            "streetName": "tempor sed fugiat",
            "city": "molli",
            "id": 8,
            "doorNo": "voluptate culpa sed no",
            "state": "amet exercitatio"
            "streetName": "culpa ex",
            "city": "pariatur",
            "id": 9,
            "doorNo": "consequ",
            "state": "nisi cillum"
            "streetName": "offici",
            "city": "irure aliqu",
            "id": 10,
            "doorNo": "fugiat",
            "state": "ut amet aliqua"
            "streetName": "eiusmod commodo dolor",
            "city": "nulla",
            "id": 11,
            "doorNo": "conse",
            "state": "sint ex Ut"
            "streetName": "incididunt fugi",
            "city": "venia",
            "id": 12,
            "doorNo": "tempor",
            "state": "aute irure dolor"
    "name": "easit",
    "id": 3





Community Advisor

How did you map currently?

try using the below with each panel





Level 2

Already tried and it didn't work. No child associations were getting passed in REST API calls.