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Adaptive Forms Separator Element Announced by Screen Readers


Level 1

We have web page accessibility issue to address in our forms. When a separator is placed on the form, the <hr> element, the element is announced by the screen reader.


We would like to flag these elements to be skipped by screen readers by adding the aria-hidden="true" to the <hr>. How do we do this?  There does not seem to be a way to add additional html values to form elements outside of css.


Expected Result:
The decorative separators should be hidden from the screen readers.


Actual Result:
The decorative horizontal rule is focused and announced.


Thank you

2 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @sxmalone 


Is this issue seen in AEM sites or AEM Forms? If its forms, please post your query here for quick resolution: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager-forms/ct-p/adobe-experienc...


Hope it helps!

Kiran Vedantam.


Level 1

Yes, this is a forms issue.  We opened a support case with Adobe and it appears to be a flaw in forms and there is no fix available.