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Report For Asset Renditions AEM 6.3


Level 2


I am using AEM and need a report of all renditions and their sizes. Ideally I would be able to generate this and sort by type, size etc..

Following Asset Reports  I was able to generate a report, export to excel etc.. but that report does not include renditions?

I'd rather not have to build this myself.  Is a report from AEM DAM of renditions possible?



1 Reply


Level 1

Hi, Tim.

I have the same issue with using Asset Reports. 

Based from their https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-64/assets/administer/asset-reports.html:

"When you create the Files report, you can include/exclude subfolders. However, you cannot include asset renditions for this report."

Our solution I guess is to create a workflow and generate report programatically.


Hope this helps.
