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Collection visible only after refresh in addtocollection wizard (Collection index exists)


Level 1
Level 1

Hello All,


Facing an issue in the collection not being visible after creating it via "addtocollection" wizard.


Select any asset from the DAM

Click "Add" -> To Collection

This opens the Add To Collection Wizard - /mnt/overlay/dam/gui/content/collections/addtocollectionwizard.external.html 

Click "+ Create" collection. Add any name and select Public Collection.

The newly created collection does not appear and it requires a page refresh in order to display this.


Please note we have an index on collection and if we delete this, it functions fine. What makes this index to cause such a conflict? 





Thanks in Advance!

1 Reply


Level 1



I am facing the same issue and its new.

Only as an admin when I create a collection the collection appears at once.

The difference is, if I create a collection with admin user it jumps directly inside the collection and by going back to the overview the refresh is also done.

As another user when I create a collection its not leading me to the collection but jumps back directly to the collections overview.


This behaviour is totally new and should be fixed asap.


Br, Frank