Hi, Is there any way to compare multiple versions of a PDF file uploaded in DAM. We are looking a side by side compare similar to page compare provided by ACS commons. Thanks Rajesh karka
What happened to the Asset Share documentation for AEM 6.3? All the existing Asset Share documentation only hows AEM 6.2 as the latest version available for the documentation, however if you search online you can find all sorts of links, like those below that exist but now just return a 404 error.E...
We have a requirement to make author enter a set of mandatory metadata info on Asset upload and if they dont enter it, the Asset shouldn’t be uploaded. Is there any known implementation of such a use case?Maybe instead of the upload form, we show a browse button + the mandatory fields and popup an u...
Hi ,I am uploading .xls file(which is created using POI API) to DAM using AssetManager API , file uploading to DAM but when we download the file its not opening. its showing error "content corrupted message".I have updated MIME type but issue not resolved. can you help me to resolve this issue.Log d...
Hi ,I am trying to migrate large volume of assets (1 million assets) to AEM. Currently I am using a custom service which uses dam api (createasset) and copy the files into /content/dam/. Currently it is taking more than 1 day. we have 3 powerful VM's and content present is shared between these VM's....
Uploading an image from site admin vs dam admin does not have any differences. But is it recommended to upload images from siteadmin view? If not, why ?
Hi, I was running some operations like(search, upload, metadata read etc) While running I observed below exceptions.30.04.2015 00:06:01.687 *INFO* [qtp2068699353-56407] org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator getAnonymousResolver: Anonymous access not allowed by configuration - requesting...
I have a txt file in my Assets folder.I mistakenly clicked Edit on it.I get the message: " The Manuscript Editor is now deprecated. Redirecting to the new Content Fragment editor..."The document asset now shows up as a Content Fragment. It is no longer an "asset". How do i get out of this mode?I not...
Hi,When an asset is uploaded to DAM, workflow is getting triggered, inworkflow property is true even though there is no workflows for that asset in the Backend. This results assets are not be able to activated/published.Need to understand where this inworkflow is set to true and set to false, which ...