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AEM Desktop app


Level 2



I was wondering if thera are not any issues using AEM Desktop App version with AEM 6.1 SP1? and not AEM 6.2 ?

I will not get rich "more info" window and check-in/ou feature, but is it ok ?

I've found that AEM don't store versions on PC and erase the history each time you edit and save the asset trough the AEM desktop, while it works on Mac.

Is iit a known issue ?

MAny thanks

4 Replies


Level 1


There shouldn't be any issues using the desktop app with AEM 6.1 SP1, other than you won't get the more info and checkin/checkout features like you noted.

The only recommendation I have is that you keep your desktop app up to date. You can always find the latest version of the desktop app here: http://www.adobe.com/go/desktop-tools-for-aem

The version issue you described will vary depending on the application doing the saving and the operating system webdav client. We've encountered similar issues in the past, but if you'd please provide steps to reproduce what you're seeing then we can be sure to investigate.



Level 2
        Hello, Thanks about companion app. But about versionning  I'm not so sure. With AEM  mounted with Webdav through AEM companion desktop app, I'm able to open, edit, save any asset of the design suite (AI, PS, InDD) from a Mac with version/thumbnail generation but on PC each time a version is saved the previous version is deleted. Is there any way to be able to activate the versionning on PC? Except by using a local temp storage and an manual upload to AEM activating a new version generation? Thanks


Level 1

There currently isn't a way to get around the versioning behavior that you're seeing, other than to use a local temp storage like you said. The version information is disappearing because the original asset is deleted as part of the application's (i.e. AI, PS, InDD) save process.

We're aware of the issue and are looking into alternatives, but it's still in the early phases and we don't have a concrete timeline for availability yet.



Level 2


Thanks to HotFix-cq-6.1.0-6723, I'm able to handle versionning on Windows, but I have 2 important issues.

1. depending of the size of the file, or the time the file take to upload to AEM, I can have the chance to get a version or NOT...(without no warning or any other information). Even changing the values in "com.adobe.cq.dam.webdav.impl.io.DamWebdavVersionLinkingJob" I can extend a little the timing, and get some bigger file, but It's a little "ramdom".

2. the owner of the version is not the "User" it's a "webdavbkpservice" so it's not really convenient to manage Projects...

Can we expect some enhancements about this?

Many Thanks