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Can You Retrieve Deployed Code with AIO App Deploy?


Level 3

Is it possible to retrieve the deployed code after using 'aio app deploy' if I have lost the local files?" 

3 Replies


Level 3


I have access to this organization, and someone deployed their app in the project. Can I clone this app?


Level 7

You want the sourcecode of the Runtime actions deployed into your project? AppBuilder is similar to Azure Functions. Source code cant be downloaded. But you can always `aio app undeploy` and then redeploy with intended code. 

API and Events are completely visible using event browser. And if the action is Web action, possible to get the web url using `aio app get-url` https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli?tab=readme-ov-file#aio-app-get-url-action


I also many times check at Runtime. As in,

  1. aio rt ls - shows packages, actions, triggers, rules etc
  2. aio rt pkg get <action-name> - gets me the manifest of action. 

Overall aio-cli commands cheatsheet https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli?tab=readme-ov-file#commands could help. 



Hi, @ShubhamAg2, one cannot retrieve the deployed code today, nor is there a great way to clone a project. But I can take this back to the team and see when we can this to our roadmap.


That being said, we recommend that you use your organization-approved version control system to manage your code base.