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AEM Local Author instance not starting


Level 1

Hi Team,


I am trying to start AEM local author instance but not getting started, getting this error 

16.01.2024 16:21:34.161 *INFO * [main] Setting org.osgi.service.http.port=4502
16.01.2024 16:21:34.162 *INFO * [main] Starting launcher ...
16.01.2024 16:21:34.178 *INFO * [main] HTTP server port: 4502
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.apache.felix.framework.ext.ClassPathExtenderFactory$DefaultClassLoaderExtender (file:/C:/Users/c-pandurangJad/Desktop/AEM6.5_Migration/Crisil_Author/crx-quickstart/launchpad/org.apache.sling.launchpad.base.jar) to method java.net.URLClassLoader.addURL(java.net.URL)
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.apache.felix.framework.ext.ClassPathExtenderFactory$DefaultClassLoaderExtender
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
16.01.2024 16:21:35.172 *INFO * [Apache Sling Control Listener@/] Apache Sling Control Listener started



Please help me on it, thanks in advance

2 Replies


Level 8

Hi @Pandurang 


Just checking if you are still facing issue. Usually this occurs when the java version you are using is higher than 11. AEM currently supports java 8 & 11. If you are on the correct java version then provide more details on the error you are seeing.





Level 1

Hi @narendragandhi ,


Thanks for the response! 


I am using Java 11.0.12 version 


Yes this is still exist the issue so i have done new set up due to emergency. thank you so much.


