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Bulk Download on Match Rates (Customer Addressable Audience Count) shown in AAM


Level 1


How can we download the all segments match rate i.e. Customer Addressable audience count shown against each segment in AAM.

1 Reply


Community Advisor

In Adobe Audience Manager (AAM), you can download the customer addressable audience count (match rate) for each segment by following these steps:

  1. Log in to Adobe Audience Manager.
  2. Navigate to "Audiences" > "Segments".
  3. You'll see a list of all the segments created in your account, along with their associated metrics, including the "Customer Addressable Audience" column.
  4. To download this data, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Download CSV" button. This will download a CSV file containing the list of segments along with their details, including the customer addressable audience count.

Keep in mind that the downloaded data will only include the information displayed on the current page. If you have multiple pages of segments, you'll need to download the data for each page separately.

Alternatively, you can use the AAM API to extract this information programmatically. The /segments endpoint provides details about the segments, including the customer addressable audience count. You can find more information about the AAM API in the official documentation: https://bank.demdex.com/portal/swagger/index.html

I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.