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Unique identification for Adobe Analytics cross domain, cross browser, cross device tracking


Level 1

Hi, greetings to everyone!


Currently I have 1 main site(e.g. www.main.com) enabled with adobe analytics which under 1 global report suite, now planning to expend Adobe analytics to other domains, e.g.:

We want to know if there's a way/unique identifier to identify an single anonymous user across these domains(entry from organic channels), as well as cross browser/device. If has, how should I set it up?  if any specific settings for Adobe launch and report suite.


Thanks a lot!





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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Employee Advisor

MID (Experience Cloud Visitor ID service - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/id-service/using/home.html?lang=en) can be a way to identify visitors across domains as long as they are tagged with the same Org ID. For browsers that block third party cookies, we can use https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/id-service/using/id-service-api/methods/appendvisitorid.html.


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2 Replies


Correct answer by
Employee Advisor

MID (Experience Cloud Visitor ID service - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/id-service/using/home.html?lang=en) can be a way to identify visitors across domains as long as they are tagged with the same Org ID. For browsers that block third party cookies, we can use https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/id-service/using/id-service-api/methods/appendvisitorid.html.



Level 1

Hi ishans


Good to hear that Experience Cloud Visitor ID(MID) helps, currently we have enabled this ID services already, and aiming at building the visitors profile from cross domain, browser & device prospective in Adobe Analytics, would the MID and appendVisitorIDsTo be enough ?


My original thinking is to set these domains within 1 or more Launch properties and send the data to 1 global report suite, distinguishing these domains via Props/eVars (e.g. value: A; B; C, etc...), so within Adobe Analytics we can use most of the common dimensions and analysis it's user flow, cross device, attributions etc. in the global report suite directly after utilizing their MIDs & appendVisitorIDsTo, Not sure if this way can already achieve the purpose mentioned, looking forward to hear your feedback, thanks a lot!