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Time Comparison - Responsive to Date Range Change?


Level 1

In Workspace, I would like to create a YoY comparison column for across a handful of metrics for a specific month. When "This Month," I "Compare Time Periods" for "This Month Last Year to this Date Range." In doing so, it generates the correct comparison. However, when I adjust to look at the month prior, the Date Comparison column stays stagnant on the original date's YoY comparison. Is it possible to create a Date Comparison column that adjusts to the Panel date range or do I have to go in and manually modify the comparison dates each time? If so, this seems like a miss since Workspace is an otherwise powerful tool. 


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1 Accepted Solution


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Level 5
2 Replies


Level 2

I guess you may create separate free-form table and do a side by side comparison for different date ranges instead changing the date for same free-form table. 


Correct answer by
Level 5

This is not yet available.  Best bet at this point would be to upvote here: