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Increasing number of visits on Android (Adobe mobile sdk v.5)


Level 1


We released a new version of our app with updated Mobile SDK. After that we noticed increasing number of visits more than 10 times everyday on Android platform. 

Avery day Adobe triggers 18-20K crashes on our app (but we have other APMs for that, and we assured, that number of crashes tens or even hundreds of times less).

Also we noticed that upgrades of the app in background (by Google Play auto-update option) also triggered by Adobe. Is this a new feature of the new SDK?

I noticed that with the new SDK Android sends an additional event with lifecycle data (ADBINTERNAL:Sessioninfo), when app is returned from background.

I tried to avoid this increasing visits by custom segmentation. I created a segment with hits without any Custom Link="ADBINTERNAL". So as I excluded ADBINTERNAL:Crahes/SessionInfo/Lifecycle. After that number of visits was reduced, but I'm afraid with this segment I exclude some relevant lifecycle data too (Launches, First Launches etc.)

Could you please describe how Adobe counts crashes?

And could you please advice something to avoid inreasing visits numbers?

Thanks in advance,



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