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RegEx need to be supported in segmentation


Level 4


When I user segmentation and analytics report, I can't find an operator to support regular expression. The "match" operator only supports wildcard(*), that can't satisify too much  business.

The issue puzzles me a lot. The RegEx is so wildely used,  but why it not be used in adobe analytics(the segment in reports&analytics).



Level 6


It would be a big time saver to be able to use special charachters when building segments -for example the wildcard charachter: (*)




Thanks for submitting this. We will keep an eye on it for votes and comments, and I will follow up with our development team accordingly. 


Level 3


You could always build a classfication with ReEx as  round about way of segmenting.  


Still would be handy to have in the segment builder.  


Level 1


I support this idea wholeheartedly.  Being relatively new to using Adobe Analytics, I was really surprised this ability was not readily available unlike other digital analytics tools.  


Regex isn't difficult for beginners to learn and provides a multitude of ways to approach segments and report filters.


Level 3


PLEASE PLEASE can you build this, it would greatly improve efficiency.


Use Case: I want to build a segment which groups popular holiday durations e.g. 3, 7, 14, 10 days etc, 


I can do this by doing multiple containers with or's inbetween, but lets say there is 20 of these, if there was a way to regex match using something like [3|7|14|10...] for example I could do this in a fraction of the time. Exists in workbench already. 


Unfortunately the 'contains any of' won't work here because putting '3, 7 14 10' also brings in 30, 33, 13 etc. 


Can I add to this though that it would be good to have regex across the product, in filters, build of metrics, workspace etc, anywhere you have a equals/matches type use it should also be there. 


Ben - I know you usually respond to these, could you advise where it is on the roadmap please. 





Level 4


Want to add another strong vote for this! I am trying to create a segment with 200 values it will be so easy to create this as a regex instead of standard interface!


I am very surprised that this was not a feature to begin with really a big miss!




Level 1


Absolutely agree with this. Google Analytics has had regex since the beginning, and it makes filtering results very powerful and very easy.