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Enhance Customer Journey Analytics Worspace for Cross Device Analysis


Level 1


Description - One main selling point of Customer Journey Analytics is the ability to do cross device analysis. However, workspace in CJA has limitations which make cross device analysis difficult and not easy. For example, a simple question such as how many people are viewing a product on a device and purchasing it on a different device is not easy to answer when you have multiple different devices. For example, we have 3 devices: desktop, mobile and app. I have to create a filter that includes every possible cross device scenario which would include: (viewed product on desktop and purchased on mobile, viewed product on desktop and purchased on app, viewed product on mobile and purchased on desktop, viewed product on mobile and purchased on app, viewed product on app and purchased on desktop, viewed product on app and purchased in mobile). That is a rather large filter to answer such a simple question.

Why is this feature important to you - The current limitations are very time consuming and makes cross device analysis difficult

How would you like the feature to work - A solution to this would be if CJA workspace allowed for two layer identification, meaning that cross device could identify on the customer ID along with device ID. Another solution would be to update filters so that we can maintain an element across the filter criteria or simply put that I could state in the filter that that purchase of the product happened on a device that does not match the device at the time of product view.


1 Comment


Level 1


Assuming ACCOUNT is at the top of the taxonomy, then ACCOUNT_ID could be concatenated with DEVICE_ID among other attributes specific to the business and/or vertical, to do the customer ID stitching, i.e. "The Golden Customer Record."


Each attribute in the taxonomy should be assigned an eVar in the Analytics data layer, paying attention to give each one the appropriate expiration level (I recommend Session/Visit level). 


This gives you the ability to drill down and/or correlate each attribute with the others efficiently in the Workspace UI.