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Applications for the 2024-2025 Adobe Analytics Champion Program are open!

What do you use Reports & Analytics for? We need your feedback!


Employee Advisor

Are you or any of your colleagues still using Reports & Analytics instead of Analysis Workspace, for one reason or many? If so, please post your use cases for R&A below. We are working on prioritizing the gaps we have between the two tools and want to better understand the biggest drivers behind R&A usage.

12 Replies


Level 1

My team still uses it for the dashboards


Level 1

I've had limited exposure to the AA platform, (watching AA channel videos on YouTube, reading documentation, and playing around in a Sandbox). I've personally tried to do as much work in Workspace as possible because of Ben Gaines saying something to the effect that Adobe would prefer to remove R&A, Ad Hoc and others to focus more on Workspace.

We are currently rolling out AA for a new client and some of us have had limited exposure until this point. The online training that Adobe provides, at least from a Community Partner perspective, is still heavily dependent on R&A, so this prevents some strong learning for Workspace.

I honestly haven't found anything I can't do in Workspace to collect the data I need. I love it!


Level 1

hi Jen and community members,

I have been power Adobe analytics users for last 4 years and have been impressed highly by its improvements and additions with a sharp focus on ease of analysis and to segmentation.

As segmentation is essential for the power user and time is an asset, my only choice was Ad-hoc analysis (Discover) but not anymore.

I can do a lot of analysis and find so many essential truths with Workspace without waiting for page to load umpteen number of time, like it was a few years ago.

It helps you to do so much in so less time, in one of the projects we proposed a solution to improve the bottom line for our client by $5.5 million on a monthly basis just after 3 days of work on Workspace.

Waiting with both hands raised for advance attribution tool in workspace and we can answer lot more questions and make lot more money for our clients.




Level 2

To be very honest my team and me are still using Report and Analytics and we use it to create dashboards/segmented dashboards, also to automate report on weekly basis and many more.

Although I have tried workspace also and I figured out that it is quite simple and we don't need dashboards anymore with them. Soon we are thinking to completely move on to workspaces for our report suites after completely understand that.




Level 2

My clients find the "flow" report really confusing and prefer the pathing reports.


Level 2

We are mainly using Analysis Workspace, but still have several reasons to use Reports & Analytics:

  • Dashboards
  • Real-Time
  • Video Reports
  • Flow Reports (in some cases we think they are better in R&A than in AW)
  • Anomaly Detection
  • Some metrics like “Daily Unique Visitors” are only available in R&A   

On the other hand, we still use Ad-Hoc Analysis when we need more than 200 rows (it allows 50.000, while the limit in AW is just 200).


Level 3

Hi folks,

We work on around 76 internal content products, there are numerous reasons why our stakeholders would love to stick to R&A.

1. The list of custom traffic and conversion variables, you can see and choose what you are looking for.

2. Custom report section, we have around 256 users who are not very tech savvy and pick up direct reports created by the specialists, for workspace they would need a handholding.The continuous help is not possible when the users are spread across the continents.

3. The ease with which they can select the segments.

4. Some users have a natural flow of creating reports without much hassle of panels and adding visualizations, they feel safe using simple reporting structure

4. Access to the number of dashboards through dashboard manager.

In short, Workspace is a good option for people who work around this tool but accessing those reports can have a wider audience who want easy solutions. It is important that they continue to have a positive approach towards the tool.


Level 1

Is it possible to have a detailed report with an InDesign magazine with analytics? It seems the initial upload would be a more basic version of analytics?


Level 8

Hi Jen

It is our intention to turn off access to R&A for all our users in the very near future. We have recreated all the essential reporting you can do in R&A in a series of workspaces which have been shared with all our users.




Level 1

Hello Joe,

Is the Analysis Workspace going to be shared with all users (with indesign for instance)?



Level 8

Hi Ann

Yes curated versions of workspace will be shared with all our users.




Level 6

In our company we heavily use R&A. Workspace is mostly used by more experienced users and for deep dives.

R&A is easier for new starters and it allows you to assemble cross-report suite dashboards. I like the customized navigation menu.

Workspace is more powerful but also more complex. I wouldn't suggest Workspace for new starters. It is easier to get lost..