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Visitor IDs vs Unique Visitor Metrics


Level 1


Am new in Omniture. I am just wondering why I am getting a lot of Unique Visitors but when I try to show Visitor IDs, it does not match the number of Unique Visitors? Like the metric show around 10 but I can only generate 3 Visitor IDs.

Date range is one day and segmented further to hours.


4 Replies


Employee Advisor

Hi there - what Adobe tool are you using to view Visitor IDs?


Level 1

Just using Adobe Analytics. I have Adhoc/Discover installed.


Employee Advisor

Hm, I'm not seeing Visitor ID as a standard dimension in Ad Hoc when I load it up. Can you send a screenshot? Which of these folders does it live in?



Level 1

Does anyone have a recommendation on how to determine unique users i.e. unique authenticated userids instead of adobe definition of unique visitors (which is cookie based)?