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Resources to learn CJA


Community Advisor

What resources would you recommend as the best ways to learn the basics of CJA?  Thanks!

3 Replies


Community Advisor

I'm sure there are resources out there, but not having CJA myself, I don't have a lot of things saved.


That said, @FrederikWerner is generally a wealth of knowledge, and he has a full category dedicated to CJA on his blog: https://www.fullstackanalyst.io/topics/adobe-customer-journey-analytics/


That would probably be a good starting place.


Community Advisor

Thanks, Great suggestion.  I've read some of his blogs and they're always very insightful.


We're getting set up with a sandbox as well so I'm excited to get my hands in the clay to play around.


Community Advisor

Lucky.. I am not sure I will ever be able to do Analytics and CJA in parallel...